So, there's good news and there's bad news. Bad news the first: I went to New Look today to check out the Giles Deacon Gold collection at New Look. Firstly, I was late. And by late I mean that the collection went on sale to the public at shop opening time and I sauntered in about 2 hours later.
According to my mole, I missed all the fun. As soon as the doors opened, a mob of women descended, so intent on getting their prize that they were lost in a fug of shopmania and missed the collection altogether. Seeing as I surfaced after the hoards had descended, most of the stuff in my size was gone, and I wasn't that impressed with what was left. In any event, it's a tiny collection and - suprisingly since I've so many good things about this Deacon bloke - it didn't really set my world alight.
My mole, also told me that actually the clothes had been on sale to a select few with a 10% discount the night before. So not much hope for us ordinary people ever getting our hands on the must buys.
Good news! If you're looking for a more positive High Street/Designer collaboration, then the place to head is Faith because I am absolutely loving the Gil Carvalho collection there. It is magnificent. If you love platforms you must go see.
The collection hasn't exactly been covered with the same amount of fanfare as Deacon's but it is way more awesome. So awesome, in fact, that I bought a pair, which I shall be writing about in another article. They're not cheap, but they are beautifully designed and incredibly comfortable. And, I'm sure that they will remain design classics long after Giles Deacon's Gold collection has been forgotten.
Bad news, the second - my search for the perfect summer coat continues with no end in sight. Today, I popped in to River Island and found a coat so perfect, it almost totally erased the pain of missing the H&M one that I told you about. Alas, the shopping gods have left me once again. The one the shop dummy was wearing was the last one and could not be removed just for me (I asked!). So now I have another coat-I-didn't-get to mourn. Oh, woe is me.
Images from top:
Giles Gold collection for New Look
Gil Carvalho Silvia platform peep toe boot, £125 from Faith
4 weeks ago