When I got these photos through from accessories designer Sigmar Berg of +Beryll, it was like he had been reading my mind. Or, possibly, my blog!
I just love the hard edged, spare beauty of these pieces. It's all organic - leather, metal - and utilitarian.
If I had a few hundred pounds to spare I would definitely grab one these:

Holster bag - perfect for cycling on those days when you don't need an entire rucksack. I picked up a similar bag at a charity store in Newcastle for £1. It's all leather and touch wearing and i can just sling it over my shoulder and go.

Asphalt boots - I practically live in my New Look
Army boots at the moment. They're comfy and tough and go with everything. So I know these boots would be a good buy that I could wear to death.

Leather cuffs, silver rings, chunky brushed silver necklace. This is the way I like my jewelry, simple, tough, chunky, easy to wear. Luckily, Topman and H&M men's provide cheaper alternatives. Still wouldn't say no to one of those rings!

And my favourite piece of all - dog tags (more war motifs!). What I particularly like about these is that they come in four different colours - red for love, silver for hope, gold for trust and black for faith. I like the black ones - natch - and faith is personally very apt for me right now.