Isn't London wonderful when the sun is out. After a couple of days of sunshine (finally!), people actaully smile at you on the street, the chat to you on buses and you in turn gurn at screaming toddlers and can actually bear to be around a few hormonally challenged young 'uns. It's like it's a different city.
And when the sun is shining I like to look at summer dresses and make up pretty summer out fits like this one:The shirt dress is perfect for summer a nice little girlie, checked number. I like that it's red, because - in case you haven't heard - I have a thing for red anything but also red is a great summer colour. I could have gone vaguely Americana and teamed with a denim waistcoat and cowboy boots but where's the fun in that? Instead I've decided I want the full on summer treatment with accessories in an even brighter colour - yellow.
I'm calling this "lazing on a sunny afternoon" after The Kinks. Video below for reference kiddies.