But, as you can see from the date of my last post, that hasn't been going all that well lately. I want to apologise for that. Not necessarily because I've been away so long - you know, sometimes shit. just. happens. and when it does does, well, you can't see the woods for the shit storm. No, I'm apologising because I just left y'all hanging. No explanations. No return date. No nothing. And that's... just not very polite. So yeah, sorry.
The shit storm still rages but I have found myself a clear bit of window to look out of, and I'll be back to blogging. Not as regularly as I'd like. Not yet. But I'm hoping there'll be a post or two a week.
Just wanted to let y'all know that I am alive. Thanks to everyone who enquired about my health and my sanity. Especially you Rowena and you Kate.
Right, that's it for now, see you in a few.