It may be fun, but blogging takes a lot of hardwork and dedication. It's an obsession that sucks up hours of your free time. Readership may be variable, coming in drips and drabs one day and floods the next, or sometimes not at all.
No matter the smattering of success-stories that you read about in the news, blogging is not a money spinning passtime. Most of us do it for love, because we are passionate about our chosen subject and we want connect people who are equally enamoured.
But we still have jobs, and lives and sometimes doing it all can just get a little bit too much. So I was sad but not surprised to hear that the incomparable Mrs Fashion, is taking a break from the blogging. All I can say, dear Mrs F, is have a nice break and I hope you'll be back soon.
On a happier note, congratulations are in order for Rosie Pop, who has just delivered an 8Ilb 3oz bundle of boy-baby goodness. Can't wait to see photos of cute little baby toes and fingers and fashionable baby outfits like these:
2 weeks ago