Hark! What's that sound? Why, it's the sound of distant jungle rhythms that herald this week's outfit. Yep, helped along by Louis Vuitton and that atrocious grass skirt confection last seen on Madonna, the high street has gone tribal... again. But this time it's all aztec patterns and fringe-y sandals.
So, on to our outfit:

The dress is suprisingly restrained, considering but I immediately put that right with a few more "literal" accessories. You've got your fringeing and your beading - shoes, necklace; you've got your wood - bangle; you've got your marvellous, bright aztec pattern - clutch; and just in case anyone misses the point, I've chucked in these funky little zebra stud earrings.
are Cinderella and you
shall go to the jungle ball, dammit! I'm calling this one "jungle boogie".
Dress, River Island
Shoes, Topshop
Clutch, New Look
Earrings and necklace, Accessorize
Wooden bangle, Dorothy Perkins