As is the way with these things, most of the really good stuff was gone but I did find a darling child's ivory smock dress for 75p. It is so cute, all scalloped ruffles and ribbon and domed buttons down the back. Any baby would look even more cute than usual in it.
Coochie, coochie, cut - enjoy the cute while it lasts
But no, I'm not getting broody or with bun in oven. I intend to cannibalise it's pretty ruffles to make a cute ruff for moi a la Susie bubble. The smaller ruffles around the neck and wrists will be turned into a big corsage-ish brooch and I'm sure I'll find uses for the rest of the material.
I feel so evil... I rather like it. It'll be puppies next, I think. *cue evil cackle*