It's the first day of December and by rights you should be receiving your first hit of the legendary December Daily Outfits but since the entire weekend was taken up with yet another packing and moving session, it's going to be a little late. This is the third time I've moved this year and I'm starting to feel a need to put down roots but I am nowhere near getting to housing nirvana yet.
If only I could find one of those genies to grant me three wishes... First on my list would be a lovely, spacious, light and airy house with a live in cleaner. Then I'd make one of those trick wishes, like: "Oh gracious genie, I wish for a wish a day for the rest of my life, kthxbai!"
And my third wish would be for something frivolous and fabulous, like this beautiful purple, ribbon-bow wristwatch from BCBGMaxAzria.

Has a watch ever been more gorgeous? And at £100 it's actually affordable. While I'm waiting for that genie, it's up to you Santa. Go on, make my wish come true.