Okay, I'm excited. I'm frequently excited so no news there but ask me why. Why am I excited? Well I'm excited because I've been invited to the fashion press preview of Vonrosen. They're sending a car and everything!
Vonrosen is new label from Berlin launching soon in the UK, that is so exclusive you can't look at their online shop without a password. As far as I can tell from the limited views on the website, the clothes are superluxe, neutral, paired down classics. They only sell online and they only sell to people they chose to sell to.

It's an interesting concept, this level exclusivity, especially in the current economic climate. It's either sheer genius or doomed to failure. Still you have to admire the detail that has been paid to marketing the product from the password protected online shop to the carefully thought out packaging (which has already won two red dot design awards) to the personalisation of clothing with an oval insignia, hand engraved with each customer’s monogram.
Of course, it could all be a case of smoke being blown up my nether regions but with all this mystery, intruigue and suspense, I am hooked. I can't wait to see what it's all about.