It's Friday and for some reason bloggers are coming out with some really interesting posts today. It's like even blogs got some of that Obama bounce people keep talking about.
Speaking of Obama, fashion magazines and bloggers alike have been falling over each other to write the definitive Obama-win-from-a-style-perspective article. Most of these have been, how shall I say, a little light on the ol' grey matter but this one about Michelle Obama's victory dress from Make Do Style is well thought out and actually successfully ties together style and politics.
Meanwhile over at KoS, Michelle has come over all inspired by 10 magazine and has put together the most amazing photoshoot that could rival any editorial anywhere and she looks so darn hot doing it.
Susie Bubble gets all the best tip offs. Don't believe me? She's telling every London-based fashionista right now about the major thrifting extravaganza coming their way come December 6. It's a doozy!
If you watched Mad Men and drooled over that 50s/60s style, then this video from Blip TV that I found on Jezebel is going to blow your tiny little mind. It's pure retro whimsy.
Happy Friday!
2 months ago